Timmit Equine Quarantine
Loxahatchee, FL
Safe • Secluded • Serene

A Private CEM Quarantine Facility - Just Minutes from the Winter Equestrian Capital of the World
Timmit Equine Quarantine is conveniently located off of Okeechobee Blvd. in Loxahatchee, FL—just 8 miles from Wellington International and the Winter Equestrian Festival. Convenient to all Wellington horse show venues, including Global Dressage; the International Polo Club (IPC); and the Jim Brandon Equestrian Center, TEQ is just minutes from all Wellington private farms. TEQ is easily accessible to I-95 and the Florida Turnpike and is just 90 minutes from Miami International airport.

Stress-Free Concierge Accommodations
Timmit Equine residents receive a seamless, serene, hands-on transition to the South Florida climate after time out of the country. TEQ provides care and designated individual turnout for its mares, and the facility also boasts an all-weather sand riding arena (310' x 110-160') with a full course of 16 jumps and superior drainage. TEQ welcomes connections onsite to ride and exercise their horses, or our staff can hand-walk or lunge mares as requested.
Stall Amenities Include:
Fully-matted, measuring 12 x 12
Individual box fans
Shared oscillating overhead fans
Dedicated electrical outlets
Superior ventilation coinciding with FDA requirements regarding the separation of horse

Personalized Care for Your Mare
The number of mares in our care at any given time is limited to four, so your girl gets personalized attention. The mares are monitored during their grass time, receiving any needed boots, fly protection, additional hay and fresh water. We limit the grass time so as not to destroy the paddocks, ensuring they are maintained
throughout the dry winter months.
Mares are groomed and receive any additional medical care when they come in from turnout. Grain is fed twice-a-day, with hay given five times throughout the day, including night check.
Veterinary services are provided by the highly respected Palm Beach Equine Clinic.